A space probe designed by the University of Maryland named Deep Impact. Will crash into a comet on July 4th, and if conditions are right the impact could be visible from Earth.
"Deep Impact, launched Jan. 12, has two parts, an "impactor" that will be released to collide with Tempel 1, possibly creating a stadium-size gouge, and a fly-by craft with instruments to observe the collision." - space.com
I'm looking forward to this, and crossing my fingers for no cloud cover on the 4th!
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"On the left horizon, the peak of the ridge reaches at least 13 kilometers (8 miles) above the surrounding terrain." - NASASo far Cassini has sent back some very interesting photos. I'm looking forward to more! Thanks to Moogah(moogah@gmail.com)for letting me know about this fascinating find.
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This being my first Blog I decided to keep it simple, and just get comfortable with the whole idea. I will try and post as much as I can so keep checking back!