What you are looking at is not a fake photo. On the 17th hole of a golf course that will remain nameless this event that could have been a lost worse happened. You might be wondering how could something like this happen? The answer to that is unknown. You might be wondering was I aiming at him? The answer to that is no... If I was aiming at him it would have gone 200 yards in the opposite direction. I was aiming at the green which was not even close to were he was standing, and did I mention where he was standing? Directly behind a row of trees, and stepping into a golf cart. The small devil ball flew threw the the trees and into the golf cart striking him square in the back. Lucky for me he has some muscle back there or a rib could have been broken.
In all seriousness it was quite scary. I make light out of it now, but I was scared like hell when it happened. Sorry bro... You can get me "back" (no pun intended) when we go golfing again in a year!
KJ, Didnt anyone tell you Golf is a full contact sport!!!@#@!
Oh man I was laughing out loud reading that one Kevy! You are a great humor writer...even thought I know you were scared joobideeless when it happened.
love ya, heath
Scared joobideeless is right... Considering he fell to the ground right after it hit him. All I could think was "I just killed my sisters husband!"
it certainly brought me to my knees, saw the ball coming as I was sitting in the cart out of the corner of my eye...then I felt this blow in the back, couldn't feel anything for a minute then a sharp PAIN, ouch!!!pain throbbed across my whole body and brought me to my knees...probably the worst stinging feeling I've ever felt...couldn't imagine what a gunshot would feel like...but fortunately we all heel quickly, so looking forward to VH when we have a DRIVIN' CONTEST with Kevin in the Kayak...YAHHHhhhhhhh!!!
......Look on brothers face as he tells his sister that he almost killed her husband..PRICELESS!!!
Hey at least we all got a good story out of it. Better bring some gear with you to VH, kinda hard to run in a Kayak!
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