Return to Flight is a task group put together for an independent assessment of NASA's readiness to get the Space Shuttle back into the air. After the tragic Columbia Accident on February 1, 2003 an investigation took place to determine the cause. Which was found to be a faulty piece of the heat shield lining the bottom of the shuttle to protect it from uber high heat during reentry. If you are interested in the subject check out Return to Flight for the latest news. Also, surf over to Nasa's site for highlights from the task force. I'm looking forward to the next launch, and would like to see it in person... Enjoy!
Whoaaaa....that pic reminds me of how a golf ball blasting off your driver!!! yeeehaw!
Looking for cheaper fuel alternatives, NASA and Taco Bell's latest joint effort is coming under heavy criticism...
next flight might have some clip-n-seals, sold by Beandawg himself...check what the boyz atCLIP-N-SEAL have to say about the Space Mondo...
and yes, after a 3 month hiatus i've posted some photos to Beandawg's Blog
Wow, you are really good at this. When I'm famous I'm going to have you do a blog for me!
missing paddle???
new rule, everyone must post a link to the following pages on their blog, otherwise too tough clicking back and forth between them...
Friends, Relatives and ...
Ladyirish Blog
KJW Blog
Clun Forest Blog
Green Mountain Heather Blog
LJN Sculpture Blog
Clan Martell Blog
where's the links techie boy???
6 days an no postings!!!waz up with dat???
I'd put all those links but I am cyberspace "challenged"!!!@#@!
i'll email the links to ewe this evening...
I'm still pondering if I should add the links or not.. ;) Bouy, your browsing problems could be solved with tabbed browsing! It helps a lot..
tabbed browsing, what's the percentage of people switching???not getting many hits in my Urchin Reporting on Welch Fluorocarbonfor browsers other than IE...
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