I have now officially lost my wallet twice in my life time. I was having a nice sunny day chillin’ out with friends and family down at notoriously famous
Hampton Beach! The waves were big the sky was blue, and the
Newman’s Own Limeade was flowing… I had already been in the water once, and it was a little chilly but nice once you got used to it. My lower butt cheeks got chaffed, but that’s a whole other story.
Like I said before the waves were really big so I was stoked to go back into the water. I just forgot to do one thing, and that was to take my wallet out of my pocket and throw it onto a beach chair… Well I was in the water for about 20 minutes, and after we all decided to go back to the hotel. That is when I noticed that I was missing my wallet… I went and looked around the area on the beach we were camped at, but didn’t find it. Lucky for my girlfriend had enough cash on her so I could play about a hundred ski ball games… Anyway I’m over it now, just thought I would share.
I kept an eye out for it the next coupla days...found a pink polka dot pocketbook that woulda looked good on you but that was it....
Things happen in thress my son -Maybe you need one of those chains that LOCK onto your person somehow....
"The seaweed is always greener
When people lose their wallets!"
(say that to the Tune of the Little Mermaind song)
Hope you get a nice new wallet brother! I think everyone will always ask you where your wallet it when you are at the beach from now on!!
glass is always half full brothah, great job not letting it ruin your great evening on the beach!!!
growin' some dust, want to see some pics of camping out over Labor Day weekend...like the expression on Kyle's face when the cannon was blasted...
Hey kevy, you never know, a fisherman could find it and mail it to you!!!
i know what you're getting for your bday next year???as always the same thing i'm getting, except your chain will be on your wallet and my chain will be on my keys...
dahhhhh, dahhhhhhhh, dahhhhhhhhhhh....
HAWAII or BUST!!! :)
You gotta rename this post..."Sleepin with dust bunnies"!!
doobah, ewe're crackin' my #$%& up!!!
Hardy har har!! You two.. geez. Your like Steve Martian and Chris Rock!!
whose the MARTIAN and whose the ROCK???
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