I just finished watching The Life Aquatic, and it was a trip. It is directed by the same person that did The Royal Tenenbaums which I have not seen, but want to. It is the kind of comedy that takes you a second to get in tune with. I did not laugh for the first 20 minutes of the flim, and then all of a sudden it clicked! It would take me a couple more posts to explain the story line in full.. So check out the web site for more information. Or you could just rent the flick, and watch it! It's worth the two hours.
Hmmm Ebert, Ive heard mixed reviews...but yours gives me a better mindset going in. Thanks, Ropert
wait until it comes out on DVD...check out NetFlix latest deal 1 DVD at-a-time with no monthly limit for $9.99 per month...now just need to get a new DVD players, since ours is only playing in B&W...
getting dusty...
Have you forgotten yout blog? Methinks my bad habits (or bad memory) is rubbing off on you (How can something rub off and on?)Anyway, I keep checking and hoping.
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