NASAs newly planned space craft that will take over the Space Shuttles duties is called the CEV or Crew Exploration Vehicle. You gotta love acronyms... It looks a lot like what NASA used in it's glory days durring the Apollo missions. It will be used to take crews of three and cargo back and forth to the ISS. However, it is stated that the CEV has the capacity to carry up to six crew members. It also has the capacity to carry four crewmembers to orbit the moon. You might be wondering why we can't just use the shuttle to go to the moon. Well the shape fo the shuttle is not very effective shape(i.e. the wings), and after coming back from the moon it's speed would reach 25,000 mph. Which would grealtly exceed it's max speed of 17,500 mph. One of the main tasks of the Shuttle was to be somewhat like a delivery truck for the ISS, and now that the ISS is close to completion it is time to move on.
I'm very excited about these new developments, because it brings NASA one step closer to going back to the moon. Astablishing a lunar base, and eventually going to Mars. Check out NASA's website for more information.
so do you think we'll ever get to see a LUNAR BASE in our lifetime???i just don't see us being able to continue contributing to war efforts and space exploration at the same time...let's bring all the countries together and fight for the same CAUSE, space!!!
We might not see a completed Lunar Base in our lifetime, but I think we will witness people on the moon surface. Perhaps even see the ground breaking, and the start of the base. Who knows though.. we could see people step foot on Mars in our lifetime. We are just going to have to wait and see!!
I agree with you about our war efforts though. Humankind needs to realize that borders and countries are man made, and we are all humans. Once we can focus our efforts on being humane to each other. Space exploration will evolve very quickly. Can humans ever stop this tribal warfare though? Perhaps it is embedded to deep in ourselves...
Not only did NASA unveil its new plan to send human explorers to the Moon by 2018, but IMAX released Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon in 3D nationwide today and – since good things come in threes – HBO Video released its new DVD box set From the Earth to the Moon: The Signature Edition.
Google is planning to open a one million square foot office complex at Nasa's Ames Research Centre, located in the heart of California's Silicon Valley.
Nasa and Google have agreed to work together on a variety of projects, including large-scale data management, massively distributed computing, bio-info-nano convergence, and the "encouragement of the entrepreneurial space industry".
The pair have also announced plans to collaborate on a number of technology-focused research and development projects.
Hey -Maybe you will work on some space affiliated project someday! Glad to see your curiosity is still alive and well -if you lose that sense of wonder, you lose your inner child...
Strange it does not look like the shuttle at all! Lets gets back on that moon:)
KJW gotta add the text verification for posting to stop this NASTY SPAM!!!
Ok ok ok, Nasa I get it the new space ship.....KJW any new news????
doesn't word verification make life so much easier!!!
Word verification helps with the spam, but is a pain in the ass when trying to write a quick post! You know?
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