
Logo 3... By request!

Did I mention I take requests? I liked the last suggestion that "anonymous" made so much that I decided to try it out. The small font over the large does look good, but I'm not sure about the arrows... They were an after thought anyway!

Keep those comments coming!


New logo 2!

I thought I would throw one more up here tonight! I liked this one because of how simple it is. Designing logos is an interesting art. It takes a lot longer then one would think, however it is a lot of fun. At least I think so!

What are your thoughts?

New logo... maybe?

Click on the logo for a bigger version.

I have been working on logos a lot in my grahpic design class, and it came to me that I should design a new logo for CKJW. I am going to post a few, and see what everyone thinks. This is the first one, and I will post more in the days to come.

Let me know what you think!



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