I can't wait for the Wailers show this Friday at The Hampton Beach Casino! I saw them once before about three years ago with Scotty-B, and it was fantastic. I can't think of a better way to spend a summer night then listening to Reggae on the beach mon'! We have a big group of people coming, and if anyone else is interested you can get tickets at the HBC for only $20! Can't miss Family Man on the bass! He is awesome... The original Bass player, and can he play! I just hope the the floor at the joint does not break through.. Last time I went you can feel it wobble up and down when everyone is dancing.. It gives it character right? Yeah... If the floor does break through I guess we could all just play a couple pin ball games. Or ski ball what every floats your brick. I wouldn't mind playing some pin ball before the show... I wonder if they have a L.O.T.R. pin ball machine? They must..
See ya there!
dude, you def'n scored a better photo than i did...can't wait, goin' to be a BLAST!!!all i gotta say is ...get up, stand up...
Just haven't decided what I am going to do on Friday night. I will decide soon and let you know if I will be there or not.
The floor in the place is a little old school, but does give the place a character like none other.
And I guarantee there is Frodo pin ball machine...mom woudl kick your butt on it though!
yahhh, i'm game for a few "...in my seat skeet ball games..."
Great photo huh? It looks like they have added a couple of horns...
HLN: Don't worry about it! If you come you come, if you don't you don't!
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