I have now officially lost my wallet twice in my life time. I was having a nice sunny day chillin’ out with friends and family down at notoriously famous
Hampton Beach! The waves were big the sky was blue, and the
Newman’s Own Limeade was flowing… I had already been in the water once, and it was a little chilly but nice once you got used to it. My lower butt cheeks got chaffed, but that’s a whole other story.
Like I said before the waves were really big so I was stoked to go back into the water. I just forgot to do one thing, and that was to take my wallet out of my pocket and throw it onto a beach chair… Well I was in the water for about 20 minutes, and after we all decided to go back to the hotel. That is when I noticed that I was missing my wallet… I went and looked around the area on the beach we were camped at, but didn’t find it. Lucky for my girlfriend had enough cash on her so I could play about a hundred ski ball games… Anyway I’m over it now, just thought I would share.