Iapetus is one of Saturn's 33 kown moons, and this picture was taken by Cassini on New Year's Eve 2004. It looks a lot like Earth's own moon at first glance. However if you look close you will notice a ridge that runs across the center of the moon. I find this very intriguing, and it makes me wonder how it came about.
"On the left horizon, the peak of the ridge reaches at least 13 kilometers (8 miles) above the surrounding terrain." - NASASo far Cassini has sent back some very interesting photos. I'm looking forward to more! Thanks to Moogah(moogah@gmail.com)for letting me know about this fascinating find.
Great pic and info -I love checing your site, becasue I always smile and learrn something -I need to get better about posting on my own-Mom
NIce walnut -this is from Evan and Dave -Happy Birthday, Kevin -(and Mom, too)
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