
IMAX: Roving Mars

"An eye-popping documentary about NASA's Mars Rovers is about to hit IMAX screens, and it's directed by George Butler, most famous for introducing the world to Arnold Schwarznegger in Pumping Iron." - Wired News
This looks totally badass, and I can't wait to check it out. Roving Mars is slated for release January 27th, and will be shown in IMAX theaters only. Click here to find an IMAX theater close to you. Jump over to the films website and watch the trailer.

It should be out of this world...



New Horizons: Mission to Pluto

After being delayed yesterday due to the weather the mission to the "planet" Pluto is under way! If you wondering why I put planet in quotes click here. There has been a debate going on for sometime if Pluto should have the privilege of being called a planet. I'm still on the fence, and I think the New Horizons mission will supply the information needed to make a better judgement.
"New Horizons is the first mission in NASA's New Frontiers program of medium-class planetary mission. It will be the first spacecraft to visit Pluto and its moon, Charon." - nasa.gov
Lets hope it makes it! ETA is 2015...



Tough season so far... 14-21, Third, Atlantic

The Celtics are having the type of season that can be very frustrating, and it takes a lot out of the fans. However I think they have assembled a good group of players, and in a year or two they are going to have a team that can take them deep into the playoffs. I really like a lot of the young guys the Celtics have on the roster right now. Delonte West is having a fantastic year, and has really stepped up into the point guard roll.

I hope Paul Pierce sticks around with the Celtics, but I would understand if he gets traded. Considering he is having the best year he has ever had... his trade value could be at it's peak.

I'm not expecting the Celtics to make the playoffs, but I hope they make some moves in the off season bringing in players of value. Also, I hope they get rid of a couple of players that are not playing up to the money they are getting paid!!Keep the faith.